Thursday, April 9, 2009

Classroom Learning and Web 2.0 the E=D3L Project

It began with with an e-mail...'check out this link...' and so I did and read about 23 things and Classroom Learning 2.0. Of course that lead to a meeting and a discussion and a short term action plan. We need to get back together to discuss how we can define, discover, and develop a way to entice teachers in our school division to do 23 things.

Liz didn't like putting a number that would limit the project to engage teachers to a 'check list'. Lynel wanted it to be about learning...teachers learning to use tools to promote 21st century learning for students. Engaging teachers to define, discover and develop web 2.0 tools for learning and thus was born the e=d3l project.

So, I am creating this blog as a starting point in this endeavour to increase my own skills and understanding so that I/we can pass this on to teachers who in turn will use it for their own learning as well as move toward engaging students in the content with the tools.

Blogging is one of the first of three 'things' we want to pass on to other teachers. Wikis and podcast will also be included as we launch this project to promote 21st century skills and literacy in educational settings. E=d3l project is being developed by the instructional technology staff of Frederick County Public Schools, VA. We encourage you to participate knowing that this is not just about the coolest sites or the neatest gadgets, but is more about integrating the tools available in ways that engage learners and promote creativity and collaboration. We want to define the tools to create a common understanding so that we can discover ways to use the tools in developing dynamic learning environments.

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